Sports Injury treatment

Elizabeth is a keen sports woman and has competed in many different fields, although in recent years the focus is geared more towards running and road bikes. This helps her to have a clear understanding of the mental struggle that befalls all athletes when injury strikes.

Elizabeth has played a vital role in my training and recovery from injury to help me win both the 2006/7 UK strongest Man (Under 105kg) and the 2010 British Drug free Powerlifting Associations 110kg British Open Title. Her knowledge and expertise in the field of injury prevention and core strengthening is second to none - S. Stanislaus

These sessions combine the powerful effects of Osteopathic medicine, with sports therapy and sports massage. The mechanics of an injury, whether it is from overuse or a sudden trauma, understanding what has happened and how to alleviate the problem in the future is key to the success of the treatment. Elizabeth will explain the obvious and the not so obvious, but she will also explain the importance of the rehabilitation that you are advised to follow for recovery to pre-injury state.